
OG+ Decodable Fluency Slide Set - Second Grade
Fluency is the ability to read accurately with speed and prosody.
The OG+ Digital Decodable Fluency Slides for Second Grade follow the IMSE OG+ Second Grade scope and sequence. Each concept includes fluency practice for five concept words, five red words, and five sentences.
Concept word practice: Five Concept words are presented individually and then placed in a rapid word chart for fluency practice.
Red word practice: Red Words are presented individually and then placed in a rapid word chart for fluency practice.
Sentence practice: Five sentences are presented word by word building upon each other to complete the sentence. Students will practice blending the words together to form a complete sentence.
We recommend this product for teachers of students in the general education classroom, special education, intervention, EL support, Title 1, and homeschool settings.
Second Grade Set: Three-Consonant Blends and Blends with Digraphs, Schwa, Bossy R: er, Bossy R: ir, Bossy R: ur, Diphthongs oi/oy, Diphthongs ou/ow, igh, 3 Great Rules: Doubling, 3 Great Rules: Drop, 3 Great Rules: Change, Consonant -le, Kind Old Words, Bossy R: ar, Bossy R: or, /aw/ spelled au and aw, Contractions, Other Uses for Silent e, Y as a Vowel (i), ph /f/ and gh /f/, ch /k/ and /sh/, /oo/ spelled oo and ew, /oo/ spelled oo and u, Other Bossy R Combinations, Silent Letters, Homophones
Slide Count: 2836
Price: $25.00